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About NuclearManx

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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Dirt (1/9)



  1. The mods folder and the config folder is a ZIP inside the Server.zip. They must not be Zipped. You also may have to clear cache in the Technic Launcher
  2. In the Forge Essentials folder, there is a permissions folder. You may want to mess around with that.
  3. I know that, but I meant do they have any plans, on MC Forge porting the mods over to Bukkit.
  4. The new Tekkit Lite seems really cool, especially with the extra 20 mods in it! I own a Tekkit server, and when I found out that Tekkit Lite has not but Bukkit included, I was kinda disappointed. The reasons I was disappointed, was because I like running a public Tekkit server, and nowadays 20% of the Minecraft community are griefers. So, I posted here to see if it is possible to add some anti-grief functionality into Tekkit Lite. What I mean is like spawn protection, so once you come into the protected region, it will have a greeting, and when you leave it will have a farewell. A little bit like WorldGuard. On Bukkit servers the professional ones, have a plugin called "LogBlock", you may be aware of this already, but what it does is logs all block changes. I know there is a way to do this in Forge Essentials, but am not quite sure. I have an SQL server, so there is no problem about that. If you know please reply and tell me how. If a Tekkit developer sees this thread, I have a couple of questions. 1. Do you plan on keeping all Bukkit-Tekkit builds on Tekkit Classic and never make Tekkit Lite, Bukkit? 2. In the future will Tekkit Lite include Bukkit?
  5. No, it's them just saying you should get a PC , agreed with them .
  6. Does the server or the client crashed? If it is the client it happens to me alot, how much ram are you allocating, if it is under 1024 mb running any texture pack it will do that. If you are not running a texture pack just try increasing it to 2048, or 4196 if your computer can handle.
  7. Title: White Screen Version: 3.1.2 OS: Windows 7 64x Java Version: Jre 7u9 Description of Problem: When Tekkit is launching (after logging into the launcher) it just immediately turns into the normal Mojang screen then a white screen. When it is a Mojang screen it looks like it has immediately crashed. I have tried increasing the allocated ram, I'm not allocating too much or too little. Error Messages: Error Log:
  8. Do /region (region name) addowner [ModName] (default)
  9. Are you using world guard or any protection? Factions, WorldGuard (All Ptotection Plugins Block It). If you using world guard do /region (region name) addowner [buildcraft] (default).
  10. The SPax requires 2gb ram allocated to it so i reccommend default and then make sure you are not allocating more ram to technic than you hae (leave at least 512 mb free) Good Luck!!! :)
  11. Launcher/pack Version: Tekkit 2.1.0 Operating System: Windows 7 64 bit Version of Java: V6 32 bit, V6 64 bit, V7 64 bit Description of Problem: When anyone connects to my server it just says connection refused or cannot reach server. On the console it doesen't say they are trying to join and i'v tried hamachi and port forward both don't work . I can connect perfectly fine, i'v tried running tekkit in java 6 mode and java 7. I'v been trying for about 3 hours now checking it but nothing works. The only anti virus i have is malware bytes and norton (It's a new computer and came with trial but not activated it yet). I'v tried LAN and wireless connection and nothing . Error Messages: Cannot connect to server Cannot reach server ALL HELP IS MUCH APPRECIATED!
  12. You need to make sure the ip is your ipv4 and that you give them your public ip!
  13. When I start my tekkit server which is on hamachi I am the only one who can connect and anyone else who joins just takes 5 years to say connection refused. I can't port forword it because sky don't support it (bastard move). In the past i have run tekkit servers really smoothly.
  14. Delete advanced machines in mods or install java 7
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