The new Tekkit Lite seems really cool, especially with the extra 20 mods in it! I own a Tekkit server, and when I found out that Tekkit Lite has not but Bukkit included, I was kinda disappointed.
The reasons I was disappointed, was because I like running a public Tekkit server, and nowadays 20% of the Minecraft community are griefers.
So, I posted here to see if it is possible to add some anti-grief functionality into Tekkit Lite. What I mean is like spawn protection, so once you come into the protected region, it will have a greeting, and when you leave it will have a farewell. A little bit like WorldGuard.
On Bukkit servers the professional ones, have a plugin called "LogBlock", you may be aware of this already, but what it does is logs all block changes. I know there is a way to do this in Forge Essentials, but am not quite sure. I have an SQL server, so there is no problem about that. If you know please reply and tell me how.
If a Tekkit developer sees this thread, I have a couple of questions.
1. Do you plan on keeping all Bukkit-Tekkit builds on Tekkit Classic and never make Tekkit Lite, Bukkit?
2. In the future will Tekkit Lite include Bukkit?