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Everything posted by Chalupa

  1. Knights1234, welcome to the server. use faith.refreshprojects.com to join.
  2. its_yummy_time; fixed. tommyzzz10 and boomslice have been added.
  3. zaczacpet, veteran101, lilax77, and yummytime, welcome to the server. Use faith.refreshprojects to connect and the TeamSpeak ip will be provided once in the server.
  4. Small announcement: I have gen'd a new world for us to play on since the last one was pretty filled already. Most of the people who were playing have not been on for quite some time so I took the liberty to start a new world. I saved the previous world and we could switch between the current one and old one at any time. Now's the time to apply for those new people who want to join. spikeyguy_124, xavier11773, and tylermiller843 have been added to the server. Welcome to the server guys. Use faith.refreshprojects.com to join the server and make sure to read the /rules when you log in. TeamSpeak will be provided once in the server.
  5. For those of you who are still playing on the server; Do you want to start on a new map, start fresh? Let me know what you guys think.
  6. You sir, are correct. I apologize for the mistake. It's been corrected.
  7. arduro430, foxislt, and william98270 have been whitelisted onto the server. Please use faith.refreshprojects.com to connect to the server and make sure to read the /rules. TeamSpeak ip will be available once in the server.
  8. nbfaraway, welcome to the server. Please make sure to read /rules and the TeamSpeak ip will be provided once you're in the server.
  9. kiwikrazy and mercy_11, welcome to the server. Please read the /rules to find out what is banned and get the basic rules. TeamSpeak ip will be provided once you're in the server.
  10. got_donuts, aliveagain232, and jokingdraco92 have been whitelisted. Please read the /rules for the basics. And the TeamSpeakip will be provided once in the server.
  11. Still plenty of room in the server guys; keep those applications coming in!
  12. Deback, Tylerwehrle, tehspacedwarf, and tloz123; welcome to the server. Read the /rules to know the basic rules. The TeamSpeak ip will be provided once in the server.
  13. thechancinator7, boodigs, and DHsimmons, welcome to the server. Use faith.refreshprojects.com to join the server and please be sure to read the /rules. TeamSpeak server will be provided once in the game. We also still have plenty of room in the server. Don't let the number of applicants keep you from applying!
  14. Sethdark99, Happyguy111, Mrdefend98, askerck, and Snackfood have been added to the server. Read /rules or I shall purge you. Also, TeamSpeak ip will be provided once in the server.
  15. Cleanjoe2 and xKody you've been added to the server. The TeamSpeak ip will be available once you log into the server.
  16. ELemonator, you've been added to whitelist. Read /rules and the TeamSpeak ip will be provided once in the server.
  17. vaughandevine, Welcome to the server. TeamSpeak ip will be provided once you log into the server.
  18. thegriffinking and 2nddimension, you have been added. Welcome to the server. TeamSpeak ip will be provided in the server and be sure to read /rules for a list of items that are banned.
  19. Re-added threesneaker and sergeantbbq just to be on the safe side. I apologize for the late reply. Finals. You guys should be able to connect now with no problems. If by any chance you do encounter problems logging in again let me know. I'll get to it as soon as I can.
  20. threesneaker and sergeatnbbq, welcome to the server. TeamSpeak ip will be provided in the server.
  21. Raykiller911, welcome to the server! Please read /rules to see a list of the banned items. TS ip will be provided in the server.
  22. angusmac1, Roxas3245, Marijn_h, Orrto, THEJEWGOD, fattigfaan and unseennote, you've been added to the server. Make sure to read the /rules for the list of banned items, etc. TeamSpeak ip will be provided in the server.
  23. Welcome to the server Jaimiey. TS ip will be provided once in the server and make sure to read the /rules
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