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Posts posted by blsmith2112

  1. My memory is so bad I forget that I asked part of the question before. Though I haven't been able to find that older thread. So two molecular assembly chambers? One to feed redstone into a magma crucible and another to send in an empty energy cell into the liquid transposer? Would that require two commands at two terminals?

    As far as the liqui-crafter is concerned, I did not know that existed! Going to play with that now in creative haha!

  2. I am able to create empty energy cell frames automatically without incident. What I want to do is inject 40 restone into a magma crucible and the completed empty energy cell frame into a liquid tesseract. However, I am unable to make this work. I have two ME Interfaces above each machine but do not know what the respective patterns should be in each ME Interface. Any thoughts?

  3. We upgraded to Essentials and managed to get several permissions issues sorted out. Players can now teleport safely with dimensional doors removed to prevent unnessessary ram use. GriefPrevention is next. As for dimensional anchor's, since everything is run via Applied Energistics we put all the hard working areas in one chunk.



    Players haven't experienced much of a frame-rate drop and are able to access everything now from one convenient location.


  4. Just be careful. Admin might destroy all of your hard work with nuke's on 512 second timers if you don't get along with him.

    *Picture removed*

    ^ Just him admitting to doing it. I have extra pictures as well.

  5. I have a segregated applied energistics base at the moment in our server.


    Everything was working fine when we had several dimensional anchor's placed all over the place with the 9x9 setting, only that was steadily increasing the CPU usage to about 60% constantly (even with no one in the server). After we removed the dimensional anchor's, an empty server now uses only 4% of the server CPU. The performance increase is great, but now we can no longer access our items unless we go to the building containing the ME control unit. My questions:

    1. Do dimensional anchor's require that the ME Cabling be contained within them? Can we just have a 1x1 chunk loaded with the ME Controller on one end, and 1x1 chunk loaded where the assembler is? Or do we need the entire cable route saved in chunks?

    2. Is recommended to have all of your machines, etc., within a 1x1 chunk radius?

    3. Is there anything we can do with our current setup? Or are we forced to remove the machines placed in each of these buildings?

  6. Our server has grown from 2 regular players to 7 and we're still looking to expand by another three players. My question (as the server admin and the one paying the hosting company) relates to administration.

    What mods do servers use to:

    1. Prevent blocks from being broken in certain areas by newer players.

    2. Allow players to "exchange" items for one another?

    3. Check for lag issues (explosion loops eating CPU, excessive animal breeding, etc), in areas that might be hard to find if a player chooses to not build close to everyone else.

    4. Have an online map of their server? (Dynmap? I couldn't get it to work in our 0.6.5 server).

    5. Change the color of admin players names?

    Replies appreciated here or verbally on our TS @, Chan Minecraft, PW mario.


  7. If your looking for a nice place to chill, give us a try. Here's a quick image album of our server:



    • IP:
    • Channel: Minecraft
    • Password: mario


    • Age 18+
    • Microphone
    • No griefing. (Instant ban to those who do)

    We back-up the server every morning and run a forced manual save just before that. We pay for a 20 slot server but only will use 10 of those slots in order to ensure a smooth experience for everyone. It costs more but it's worth it, we don't ask for donations but any donation will get you admin rights.

    You can build with us, by yourself, or bring along a friend and build together. We prefer US based clients for a lag free experience. Currently we have all mods activated, but if mods like Dimensional Doors start to weigh heavy on the server we will ask that we cut back on its use and if it gets bad we will disable it. Our server is slowly growing into a Tier 3 (3 HV Solar Arrays, 2,800eu/t reserve nuclear power) but we've got plenty left to do.


  8. Here is the set up:


    Here is the inventories of both the items:


    The second input (purple) should be importing Lead Ingots. However, the system is only importing the pulverized obsidian. Is there a way to have it import both into the induction smelter? The only way I could potentially see it working is having two ME interfaces (one on top, and one on the side) with two identical recipe patterns. Do I need that much? Or can it be set up much simpler?

  9. A few tried joining yesterday and I was at work. We had a few regular players on and they will gladly talk with you and most likely give you the IP information if you meet the requirements. Give us a shout! We really want this server to reach a critical mass of at least 1 person playing at any given time and so having 10 people is our goal. Small enough to be a community of cool guys/gals, but big enough to feel like something is always happening somewhere.

  10. My last server expanded into 4 players and started to lag a little bit so we decided to switch from my locally hosted server into an external hosted server. We're all 25 years old and use Teamspeak. If your looking for a nice place to chill, give us a shout out.

    Images: http://imgur.com/a/IGMH3


    Server information:


    • IP:
    • Channel: Minecraft
    • Password: mario
    • Server IP will be given once we talk.


    • Age 18+
    • Microphone (for Teamspeak).
    • No griefing. (Instant ban to those who do)


    You can build where you want, what you want, and (if you have a friend) with who you want! We prefer US based clients as to ensure a smooth experience for everyone. Currently we have all mods activated, but if certain mods weigh heavy on the server we will ask that we cut back on their use and if it gets bad we will disable them.


  11. Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSnktEdMvhU

    Relevant Portion of the video: http://youtu.be/LSnktEdMvhU?t=48s

    Is it just me, or am I being paranoid? I just spent $20+ on a monthly server package and I'm noticing a significant degree of minor latency issues. I have users suggesting that moving around is slightly slower, and blocks are taking longer to break. This is my first (external) hosting provider and I am beginning to wonder if I made the right choice. I paid to have 1.5gb of ram, and I am experiencing lag as the only person in the server.

    My hosting provider, MPServ, suggested that I remove some mods and have the ability to reduce the player count. However, I'm the only one in the server and I want what I paid for - the right to host all of the Tekkit lite mods without worrying about latency issues.

    What can I do from this point forward? What are my options?

  12. New Server! We just purchased a Chicago based server. Currently our active player count is 4-5 but we are looking to expand to around 10 active players.

    Images: http://imgur.com/a/4j0ec


    1. Must be 18+ and mature (as in, no griefing, etc).

    2. Must have a microphone and use Teamspeak.

    Teamspeak Address:, Channel: Minecraft, PW: mario.

    Contact: [email protected] or use our Teamspeak channel. Players who are AWOL for 2 weeks will have their slot opened up for other players who want to join.

  13. I own our current Tekkit Lite server, but am looking to branch out and find a new external host.

    On my server, we usually have 4 people on at a time but sometimes we get a spike in players totalling 5-10. As soon as my server hits 6 people, lag becomes a serious problem. My server has 25/MBs download, 8GB of ram (5GB allocated), and 1MB/s upload.

    Several hosting providers I've been reading say that you can handle a 10 player server on 512MB of ram, but whenever I look at my task-manager on my server - it's always using more than 4GB. We have factories, nuclear power plants, quarries, etc. I want to make sure that whatever server host I choose is the right one. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

  14. To recap:

    1. Switch out Crystal chests for diamond chests.

    2. Remove BC Pipes (Golden Transport, Diamond Transport, etc).

    3. Incorporate Ender Chests.*

    4. Remove Timer(s).**

    5. Try looking into Applied Energistics.

    My issues:

    1. Using ender chests instead of diamond chests may eliminate the redstone engines and phased transport pipes, but I will lose 81 slots of storage for each diamond chest replaced.

    2. Afaik BC pipes are the only ones capable of sorting damaged or chargeable (ie: batteries) items via diamond transport pipe. The purpose for the BC pipes is to prevent cobblestone from entering the long sorting process (to avoid lag) and to sort batteries, tools, etc.

    3. The factory as a whole uses 1 timer for everything that is wired into all of the sorting machines and retriever.

    4. I've never heard of Myst Ages. I take it tekkit lite has this and I can incorporate that somehow?

    I swapped out the crystal chests and noticed a slight FPS bump (thx!). Applied energistics is something I want to look into but if I can bring the optimization of this factory up to par I'd like to try that first.

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