Hey, Meandor, I agree with you that there should be a centrally compiled and regularly updated list of Voltz versions and crafting recipes. In all reality, the color wool you use should affect the color of the insulation. Also note that you can use leather to increase the insulation output (from 1 insulation to 4, i believe). Crafting recipe is non-specific: 1 leather = 4 insulation (again, i'm fairly sure of the # of insulation, it might be more or less...)
But they took away a lot of the crafting recipes (or changed them?) for a lot of the mods. ICBM, for example, doesn't currently have a recipe for the 1.1.3 voltz update to make a Nuclear Explosive. This has me rather agitated, as i've built a t3 launcher, panel, and support, and have the ability to make uranium (both refined and breeding). Making the uranium also agitated me a bit, as there is no way to get a nuclear boiler other than to have the admin spawn you one in. I do like that if the boiler is next to a centrifuge it automatically transfers the Uranium Hexaflouride.