On my server, the owner has mystcraft disabled, so do you think that would prevent the meteors from appearing? This is the galacticraft wiki page on fallen meteors: http://galacticraft.wikia.com/wiki/Fallen_Meteor but it says nothing on how often or how rare it is to find meteors
I don't know if I'm just not looking hard enough, but no matter where I go, I can't seem to find fallen meteors. I was just curious as to if they forgot to add them in or if there is a certain rarity on finding them? If they're in the game right now, then where would I expect to find them?
Username: XGingerMonsterX
Age: 19
Expierence with Voltz: 0, I hope to learn quickly on the server.
How you can contribute to the server: I've been an admin on a minecraft server and a moderator on a tekkit server. I also enjoy playing with a small mature group of players online.
Any bans, if so what for?: None
Favorite disney movie: James and the Giant Peach