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About mikgulv

  • Birthday 01/02/1992

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Dirt (1/9)



  1. What is your IGN (in game name)? : mikgulv How long have you been playing modded minecraft for? : Some Years Are you familliar with this modpack? : not much, played a little tekkit classic and Tekkit. Have you even been banned from any server? (If so for what reason) : No , not that i know of Have you read the rules on the rule page? : Yes Anything else you want to share? I'd like to learn more about this modpack, and i figured it would be more fun on a server than singleplayer
  2. In game name : Mikgulv. Hi im looking for some to play this modpack with i know most of the basics of tekkit. but would like to learn more
  3. In-Game Name : mikgulv Age and Global Location? : 21 - denmark Have you ever been banned before? : nope Why do you play SMP? : i like to play with others and learn new stuff You know this is a member application right? : yup How long have you been playing Minecraft? : too long. if thats possible How did you find us? : I searched the tekkit forum What's your favorite color? : Green ! Will you please make an account on our Website? : sure thing Anything else you want to add? : i might have a friend comming too
  4. could stinnepigen1 be whitelisted. since he is still tagged as a visitor.
  5. Username: stinnepigen1 What is your experience with tekkit?: not much, just some basic Have you ever been banned from a server? if so please explain: no What do you plan on doing here at techluminal tekkit?: chillin with my mates ballle1 and mikgulv. and learn some new people
  6. okay, cant wait till you come online again. i kinda miss you , gl reconstruckting , any idea when you'll be online again.
  7. whats wrong since the server is offline. since its been for a few days now. :(
  8. Username: ballle1 What is your experience with tekkit?: i've played it for a few month, but mostly basic stuff Have you ever been banned from a server? if so please explain: no What do you plan on doing here at techluminal tekkit?: Building with my mate mikgulv, who you approved a few days ago
  9. Username: Mikgulv What is your experience with tekkit?: Ive played tekkit for a few month now. found it amazing, but mostly bacis stuff. so i hope i could learn some new stuff from you guys Have you ever been banned from a server? if so please explain: I haven't , im new to play on servers only had my own little server for me and my friends What do you plan on doing here at techluminal tekkit?: Gosh, build a big ass house, with a factory in the back yard, and making cookies for everyone . i want to learn new stuff and this server sounded awesome, so here i am
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