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About starksbro3

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

starksbro3's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. I have changed it my skin changes on minecraft just not on tekkit
  2. Ok im sure i confired the skin and i will change my password do you think it has anything to do with my recent system restart?
  3. It wont change my minecraft skin and i thought maybe if i logon to my minecraft account it would be fine. It sayed log in failed i made sure to keep doing it it did not work if you have any suggjestions pease tell me.
  4. Hey what program do we open the folder with?
  5. Hey guys i want to make a good server but my computer cant take it. So if anyone would like to help me out by hosting and being my partner it would be great pm me for details. Thanks!
  6. Dude i was kidding calm down
  7. Stop being a sissy
  8. I can do it and record pm me
  9. I would be glad to. my ign strksbro1 im 13 and skype account starksbro1
  10. Do you know how to work permissions?
  11. Re: [24/7][2.1.1][Quantum Gaming Tekkit Server][30 slots][Whitelist] Great server highy recommend it! Come and olay with me and other players!
  12. Re: [2.1.1][Quantum Gaming Tekkit Server][30 slots][Whitelist] IGN:starksbro1 Have you ever been banned:no What do you plan to do on the server:i want to help build a good comunty What is your experience level with Tekkit?i have played for a while now and getting pretty good.
  13. why did you do that?
  14. I am grover but i am not releasing any info about it to the public. Anyway i need some good ideas post any ideas if you have them. And if you want to be a puppet (most likely if you are a person) put IGN: Why you would make a good puppet: Your best puppet related skill: (posting somethig you built might help) Hope for some good ideas and help thanks. :)
  15. I was making a new technic server. I have made one before so i portfowarded even after that it still says failed to bind port can you tell me what to do. reply or send pm
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