IGN (In Game Name): EvilJoshy
Age (Optional): 17
Why are you looking to join the server? What can you bring to the server? : To be within a community have a laugh, create an amazing world! I can be anyone's bitch haha,
Tell me about your play style? (i.e: How long have you been playing minecraft/tekkit? What types of things do you like to do?): played minecraft on xbox for a year! then decided to join tekkit! been playing for half a year pretty much on my own and after watching endless hours of tekkit series I would really love to join a community!, I love to explore and use computercraft!
Tell me a bit about yourself?: Friendly, Funny, Love to chat to people, be a help as much as possible, love to get on with things, don't give up in till something is finished! I have finished college now till September and can spend a lot of time on the server!
Thanks for reading