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About Rez09

  • Birthday 06/21/1987

Rez09's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. In Game Name: Rez09 Age: 25 Would i find your name on a banlist on MCbans? If so why did you get banned? No, not that I can imagine. Why do you like to play Tekkit lite? I've been playing Tekkit Classic on a friend's private server, and I really enjoyed experimenting around with IC Machines and pipes, but he had to take it down, so I figured I'd try out Tekkit Lite to see what new things have been added. Why this server? I definitely feel that a whitelisted server will help prevent griefing the stuff I'm building, so that is certainly a draw, and a smaller, active community is something I am interested in finding, especially since I can bounce ideas off of and glean information from other players as opposed to just watching tutorial videos. I also like the idea of seeing what people on a dedicated have put together, since they don't have to worry about people randomly coming by and blowing up their stuff. Would you be potentially willing to donate to the server? If I like the server a lot I might, though it probably wouldn't be that much where I am in college.
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