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Posts posted by FaultierGibbon

  1. I'm still quite busy setting up a system of atomic assemblers, so I haven't been able to check out all the new stuff yet. Here is what I have found so far:

    • Quantum battery boxes don't crash the server/game anymore.
    • My linear particle accelerator hits 100%, doesn't produce antimatter, and starts up again.
    • My fusion reactor is outputting a bit more. 1.6MW compared to 1.49MW. Steam funnels can't be used to make a second tier of turbines.
    • MFFS Extractors seem to be a bit slower or require more energy to run at max speed.
    • I've ran at least 1000 cobblestone through my strange matter generators, but nothing yet... Maybe the requirements have changed? (We have an agreement on my server to run a strange matter generator 50 times (~1 kJ per run) before we spoof in one Strange Matter. I've never attempted strange matter on a server were it actually worked, does it use a cell from the particle accelerator?)
    • Disconnecting from the server causing the client to crash almost every time.
    • Hypersonic, Anti-gravity, Red-matter, EMP, and Sonic explosives crash the game. Has anyone tried forcing an older version of ICBM?
    • The potential fuses and circuit breakers have been removed. I'm quite bummed about that, had a lot of hope for being able to control my power lines a bit better.
    • The auto-feeder module on the power helmet no longer instantly eats all food in your inventory. It now eats for you as you get hungry.
    • The swim boost module seems to be a bit slower.
    • Night vision glitches off less often than before.
    • Wire textures have been reverted back to the way they were before 1.1.3. One can actually tell the type of wire by looking at it now.
    • BlastCraft is gone :(

    Some questions for you guys:

    • Electricity moving through wires still doesn't make sense to me. Has anybody had any luck with setting up series/parallel connections and/or making resistors out of lower grade wire? I've got a couple ideas to make some simple capacitors, has anyone tried this? I've been wanting to make some specialized circuits for a while, but the physics of the electricity in Voltz just aren't making sense to me.
    • The minimum time I can achieve on an atomic assembler is 4 minutes. Has anybody managed to top this?
    • Teleporters still disconnect when we restart the server, which is really inconvenient. Any suggestions as to how we can fix this issue?
    • Does anyone have a list of things that do/don't work in an atomic assembler?
    • Tin is a massive problem for me. Being 100% sustainable (ample power for force fields and duplication of major resources) through fission/fusion/fulmination is impossible because of this. Even the fulmination generator I designed, which gets 115 MJ/gram of antimatter isn't good enough. Any solutions besides solar or heat generators?

  2. Lethosos' suggestion is probably the best way to do it. Set up a couple manipulators on the same machine/crate/chest and have each pull onto a different conveyor belt. A simple timer can be made with a small circuit of redstone repeaters that signal the manipulator at the interval you need (a repeater at the highest setting will have a delay of ~.5 seconds). Or if you need a much longer delay, look into making a piston clock, once you understand the basics, they are pretty quick to set up.

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