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izaac debyle

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About izaac debyle

  • Birthday 01/22/1980

izaac debyle's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Its a great server but iv died glitching a few time and would love my stuff back but other than that i love this server
  2. Grammar, Grammer, Gramar, Gramer!

  3. wouldnt is missing the apostrophe. oh yah and good bye. like i said" your a joke. i am not going to argue with 3rd grader. your not worth my breath. lol your pathetic."
  4. oh i hit a hot spot wow. and just so you know your grammar isn't to great either. you remind me of my 4th grade brother that thinks he can troll on the PSN
  5. your a joke. i am not going to argue with 3rd grader. your not worth my breath. lol your pathetic.
  6. i haven't met her therefor i cant hate nor like her you dingle
  7. i cant stand babies, you ass nacho
  8. so what if i am a nub you fagot
  9. were can i get plugins for my volts server and also mods. please help. if you can program mods, or plugins and want to help my Skype is izaac.d
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