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Everything posted by demig

  1. I've seen a few threads about this issue but nothing has helped me solve it so far. I am trying to get a particle accelerator to work and no matter what I try the particles always blow up at some point before getting to full speed. I have tried small rings, large rings, very large rings and using the instant builder (radius 30) and the highest I can get to it about 50% of full speed. I have tried placing them in different places and tried squares, rectangles and curves all with no success! Any tips for what to try next? Thanks Demig p.s. It's powered by a huge fusion reactor with redstone conduit or using energy tesseracts for the loops I have tried in other places
  2. Yes you can get it to work. I have it running in a custom mod pack based on tekkit. I had to change a few block IDs I think but it wasn't too much bother. Do a dump of the IDs from NEI and then stick Flans on and restart and the errors will tell you if any blocks conflict. If they do then just change them to an empty ID from your NEI dump. Demig
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