In-Game Name:UnknownMarksman
Why do you want to play on this server: My friend who posted this plays on the server and he recommended it, as well as I want to play on a server together with him and a small community. I am tired of the bigger servers because they are not very friendly and you usually get stuck playing on your own, while I like to interact with friendly people.
What DO you like to do (Build, Mine, etc.): Fight, explore, solve puzzles, mine, explore all the mods, help and play with the community.
What DON’T you like to do: Play alone in the world, build too much and do something too repetitive.
Experience with modpack (1-10): 3
What is love: Love is when you give your heart to someone (all 10 of em).
Squirtle or Pikachu: Haven't watched too many episodes of pokemon so Pikachu, I've seen more episodes with him and got to know him more...