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Everything posted by MissKariss

  1. jakj, I was replying to someone who told me they put their time, effort and money for people to enjoy their stuff. I am not enjoying it and I use their forums. It seems like there are others in this thread who don't appreciate it either. If you do, cool. But not everyone is you. You did say though that "We've already proven with quantitative, objective evidence why such an attitude from the moderation team is both warranted and appropriate." If you look at any other forum you will see that it is NOT needed nor appropriate. But since you don't go to other forums I guess that is why you think it is normal. IT IS NOT. I have never seen forum mods so rude. Try to understand what I am typing before you reply with something that goes off of one sentence but none of the context. Aww Jay gets mad when people start speaking the truth. Another shitty thing about the mods... they can dish it but not take it. They decide to use their ban button for personal use than to actually benefit the forums. (If they used them for that reason this thread wouldnt be here) Ciao! Au revoire! Auf Wiedersehen! Sayonara! Don't forget to write!
  2. And sitting on these forums being assholes on a thread that was answered BEFORE they arrived isn't wasting their time and slowing them down at all? THAT is what I am most angry about. They say they don't have TIME to answer these questions but they have the time to flame people who ask these questions... /palmface.
  3. "They are putting their time, effort and money into technic so that you can enjoy it" If that time, effort and money is also put into these forums to so I can enjoy them they are NOT doing what they are working "so hard" to do. They are using time they could be putting into the mod or answering actual questions to ridicule a girl and everyone else who disagrees with them in this post. Not doing anything beneficial and actually adding to what they are trying to destroy! I don't give a crap when the next update is. I am having enough fun with this version. I clicked this thread because it is so popular right now and I thought it may have information pertaining it and instead got this. Awesome knowing that one of the top posts on this forum right now is a thread they are going through all this trouble to get rid of. Mods do you see that this flaming is just achieving the opposite? If not, you are dumber than the ones you are calling dumb. Yes, people are going to ask the same question over and over, that is the life of a forum and the mods are being just as big babies as the people asking the question by not wanting to press one little button (DELETE) when they see the question asked. Instead they want to make the problem worse and make themselves look bad. It is never warranted or needed to be a jackass. They could have made their point in one sentence worded much nicer than what they have done and it would have done the job fine. Want proof? Go to ANY OTHER FORUM.
  4. I understand the op asked a question that was clearly stated in the rules as a question not to be asked, but I do not get why jay had to be so rude. The first reply was a good enough answer and even let her know not to ask and if it is such a pain in the ass to deal with people who ask this question just delete the post instead of making her the subject of ridicule for pages and pages. (You could be doing something much more helpful to this community in the time you wasted bashing people here) Or just don't be a moderator! You mods and devs and admins all brought a certain amount of responsibility on yourself by deciding to be a part of the technic pack and this website. Many other people who update mods or control forums can do so in a respectful manner to ALL users. In my search for questions (which there are many I have about this pack) I have seen numerous people on other forums saying they have been banned from here for simple questions (and not this one!) or just say that the admin here is downright rude and hateful. Now I see that first hand and I almost want to stop playing tekkit as to not support this crap. I won't because it is awesome, but these forums are a different story... why even have a donate button if you are going to be such dicks? Also there is a difference between being able to say fuck a lot and being rude to people who really don't deserve it to this level. A little slap on the wrist, fine, but this whole thread is about the devs saying they would rather be assholes than say a sentence like" Look at the rules/sticky". I understand doing that a hundred times sucks but that is what community is for... others can reply and tell the newbies that or whatever and then mods can just delete the posts so they dont cause clutter. TL:DR - I have never read of moderators being as rude as technic moderators. Deleting this post would have sufficed without the hatefulness so stop being lazy and trying to cover it up with being an asshole and do your job! Mods, devs, and admins all have responsibilities to upkeep this forum and make it a pleasant place for ALL who may use it just as us users do to read the rules and adhere to them. Don't reply to someone breaking the rules by being irresponsible yourself.
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