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About McWidget

  • Birthday 05/11/1999

McWidget's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. In Game Name: McWidget Age: 14 Time Zone: -6:00 CST US Have I Ever Been Banned: Never- http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/35073ce8fa9552decbea9484a97561de320ed99d What Is My Tekkit Experience: I have played on many different servers and have only found one that really stuck with me. It was a nice small community based tekkit server but it went offline. I am now looking for a new one. I have learned about 80% of the mods including some computercraft. I understand most all of buildcraft. I have been playing tekkit for about 6 months now. Why Do I Want To Join Fekkit: Well, as was said earlier, my server died and im looking for a new one. I am a respectful player and will help with the server when needed.
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