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About R_Builder

  • Birthday 02/27/1999

R_Builder's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. I'm am having a similar problem but i cant download modpacks created by other users. I tried downloading Tyolores RPG but it says error downloading .Zip File (The Cache one). With other packs my computer cant unzip the cache file. i can run the standard packs though. Can someone help with this. With your problem have you tried deleting the entire file, not just the launcher, and then re downloading it. To do this on windows go to - %appdata%, Roaming, technic and delete the technic file. For mac got to - Go, Library, AplicationSupport, technic and delete the technic file. Hope this helps :)
  2. IGN: R_Builder Age: 14 Location (country): Australia Have you read and agree to the rules: Yes i have and agree Have you ever been banned from another server, if yes explain briefly?: I have not been banned before Have you signed up on our forums/website (not required to!)?: I have not but will if i am whitelisted
  3. IGN: R_Builder Age: 14 Location (country): Canada Have you read and agree to the rules: Yes i have read all the rules and agree Have you ever been banned from another server, if yes explain briefly?: I have not been banned before Have you signed up on our forums/website (not required to!)?: no i have not yet but will in future if i am whitelisted
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