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Everything posted by glopso

  1. Used up fuel rods are often reprocessed into ammunition. Since we don't have nuclear waste, instead we can use U-238 in a new recipe for denser, more powerful railgun (Or maybe gun turret) ammunition. Shooting it should have a small chance to leave radioactive waste around the spot it strikes.
  2. I am able to smoothly run machines requiring around 26kW total on only 5kW of power. The energy travels in the order of (2) solar arrays (9.6 kW) >advanced energy cube (9.34 kW) >basic energy cube (9.33kW) >basic energy cube (5.34 kW) >machines. Is this a problem specific to 1.1.4? EDIT: I should also note that the machines don't work if no electricity is being produced at all. EDIT2: Forgot to say that the energy cubes do run out of energy like they should, the machines just keep working as if enough electricity is still flowing EDIT3: Possibly related: A single enrichment chamber will drain my energy cube even when I have 18kW of power coming in EDIT4: I should also probably say that I'm using a basic energy cube to step down the voltage coming from an advanced energy cube EDIT5: It turns out my generators are generating about 5kW each, not nine. Still should be enough for an enrichment chamber EDIT6: The energy cube at the facility is only outputting about 5 watts of power, due to resistance. Also updated post with new information
  3. I am using Version 1.1.4 so fatal crashes like this might be expected, but it would at least help if I could find a way to remove the entity so I don't have to throw away the entire world. I get this crash whenever trying to start my world: The crash first happened when some breaching explosives exploded in water, and has happened on start up each time since. EDIT: I just deleted the entity in MCEDIT
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