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About WeaselTekkit

  • Birthday 03/29/2000

WeaselTekkit's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. A new fix?! Great! Finally the problem is hopefully fixed.
  2. When I launch Tekkit, it automatically updates the minecraft.net files without asking. It only asks for the modpack and not the minecraft.net files. So pressing "No" to update doesn't help at all.
  3. I saw when it updated, it was downloading "natives.jar". Did any of y'all see that? I'm not sure about the others... EDIT: In /tekkitmain/bin I replaced all of the files except "modpack.jar" and "minecraft.jar" (and "Installed") and when I launched Tekkit... It checks for updates on minecraft.net and downloads a new "natives.jar"!
  4. Yuuuuup I can't take the upside down/mirrored MC screen. I eyes can fix it but not Minecraft...

  5. Hello, I've been having this problem and seem to not have found a fix, although, I see weird things happen. Here I have a snapshot taken IG: And here's what it looks like instead of using F2 IG: Hope this may help a little!
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