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Everything posted by EmmettLee

  1. I did everything as per your request everything works. But how can I became a Server on the internet?
  2. I loaded Tekkit_Server_1.1.5 and after that I load up Minecraft 1.5.2. When I go to Multiplayer and select A Tekkit Server and press "Join Server" it gives me the message: Disconnected by Server You don't have FML installed, you cannot connect to this server So, I stop, and I install FML into minecraft.jar and run it again. I get the following message: Forge Mod Loader could not connect to this server The mods and versions listed below could not be found They are required to play on this server A list of all the mods contained in the Tekkit_Server_1.1.5 Can someone tell what I am doing wrong?
  3. I got 1.0.6 Tekkit. I got TechnicLauncher. When I go TechnicLauncher I click Tekkit and Launch. When I go to multiplayer then I select my Tekkit Server and Join. I stand next to a Crafting box and try to make a Bookstand. All is fine - 2 sticks wood, 1 wood planks - I have a picture of a Bookstand. The problem is I am unable to bring the Bookstand to my Inventory. The standard Minecraft items I can craft all day. Then I try Singleplayer and the Bookstand goes to Inventory. Could someone tell me what the problem is?
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