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Posts posted by rogueclon946

  1. If there is a limit of loaded chunks per player, the Dimensional Anchor should display this limit in its interface. I have been using a DA to keep my base loaded, and all production chains would keep running fine. So it definitely works for TE Itemducts, Fluiducts and most other things.


    P.S.: Mistake in thread title: the quarry is from Buildcraft. IC2 is gone from Tekkit.

    A minor thing, but it might confuse some people.

    I think it's actually forge that limits the number of force-loaded chunks. Beyond that individual mods can also limit the number of chunks their specific chunkloaders can load. Looking in chicken chunks, it looks like default is 5000 chunks per player for tekkit. Immibis dimensional anchors can also have limits set, but default seems to be unlimited.

  2. The mod Extra Utilities uses mainly one kind of pipe, namely the Transfer Pipe. This pipe can carry both items, energy and liquids depending on the type of Transfer Node you use.


    As far as I could tell, these will carry at least as much energy as a Thermal Expansion Redstone Conduit. I couldn't really figure out a way to measure accurately. Note that this was without any upgrades in the Energy Transfer Node.


    Like I said, I don't know what the upper limit is, but it is a lot.

    Would a multimeter work on them?
  3. Tesseracts have been changed in TE3, and unfortunately the wiki does not have anything about the (major) changes in that version. There is only one kind of Tesseract now, which combines all three functions. It is only obtainable once you have acquired a number of rare ingredients. Short guide to get Enderium Ingots here:

    • obtain a few stacks of Ender Pearls - slaying Endermen, growing Ender Lilies, or crafting them with EE3 are possible options
    • build a Magma Crucible to melt the Pearls to Resonant Ender
    • build a Fluid Transposer next to it, to fill buckets with the liquid (four pearls to a bucket)
    • pulverize some tin for tin dust
    • obtain some Shiny dust by pulverizing Ferrous ore, or pulverize Shiny Ingots in case you found some in chests
    • craft Enderium Blend by placing three tin dusts, one shiny dust and a Resonant Ender bucket on a workbench
    • obtain Blaze Powder
    • pulverize some coal to get both Coal dust and Sulfur
    • obtain some Redstone dust
    • craft Pyrotheum dust from Blaze Powder, Redstone dust, Coal dust and Sulfur
    • smelt Enderium Blend together with Pyrotheum dust in an Induction Smelter to make Enderium Ingots

    You see, that is a long shopping list, with many steps to get there. Only when you start producing Enderium, you are ready to make Tesseracts, and the "Resonant" versions of Strongboxes, Portable Tanks and Energy Cells. Worth it, but won't happen until you get things going in your world.


    Good luck, though.



    Might as well tell you the whole recipe.

    • obtain some Obsidian and pulverize it for Obsidian dust
    • pulverize some Lead ore for Lead dust
    • smelt both in an Induction Smelter to get Hardened Glass
    • obtain a diamond
    • craft a Tesseract frame from diamond, Hardened Glass and Enderium Ingots
    • melt four Ender Pearls in a Magma Crucible
    • use your Fluid Transposer to fill the liquid into the Tesseract frame
    • obtain some Silver Ingots
    • obtain some tin and copper (no matter if dusts or ingots)
    • smelt copper and tin in an Induction Smelter for Bronze Ingots
    • finish the Tesseract by crafting the full frame with Silver and Bronze Ingots on a workbench
    • keep in mind that you need two for any meaningful application (sender and receiver)

    That is why we call it a late game item.  ;-)


    I had a feeling I wasn't giving the right recipe. That's what I get going from memory during breaks at work i guess.

  4. Big Reactors seem to be by and far the superior mod this iteration. Atomic Science is needlessly complex and seems to be a burden on your server when you need to have a hundred plus large turbines to deal with the steam output from a single reactor. You also don't get much opportunity to tune and customize your setup with AS.


    I use a system of two 7x7x7 external size yellorium reactors powering 9 large turbines producing 190,000 RF/tick. Both reactors use a combined 0.3 mb/tick of yellorium.


    I have a backup system consisting of an array of reactant dynamos with energized redstone and blaze powder. These are constantly on and trickling 4 RF/tick per dynamo onto the system, so if the reactors go offline for whatever reason, me AE ME system wont power down.


    AS turbines or the big reactor multiblock turbines?

  5. My brother had the same problem when I started a lan world. Interested to see what people say here. He could actually craft the stuff, but the recipes didn't register in his NEI or crafting grid, I'd show him the recipe then he would set it up, and click the empty output slot. He could still make the stuff, he just had to do it blind.

  6. You can delete specific region files from your save, forcing the areas to be regenerated again after fixing your configs. The downside is that region files cover a lot of area, so you might end up deleting parts of your base. There are tools to find what region file specific chunks are in. Allso to note: any time there is an update modified configs get reset to tekkit defaults.


    I've now used the free-obsidian-creating (bug? feature?) in a fully automatic generator. Pictures here: http://imgur.com/a/2OLuD#0
    Basically, a six-block-long trench. Lava at one end, cryotheum at the other. Terrain smashers on a 5-second Project Red sequencer clear out the blocks/liquid each cycle. Sometimes you'll randomly get a second cobblestone instead, but usually you get an obsidian block every 5 seconds. Did I mention it's completely free?


    I'd prefer if you double the tv offer.


    I'd look into doing this but i tend to have more trouble finding blizzes than I do finding lava for obsidian lol

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