In Game Name: gkuoni2 (Can't use my original account right now, which is Prof_Russian because it's not premium)
Age: 15
Location: The United States, CA
Currently Banned?: No idea, haven't been banned myself, didn't ask a friend if he was.
Minecraft Experience: Same as RoadsidePicniker, we played together in Tekkit Classic, Voltz, Mindcrack and Ultimate FTB packs, new Tekkit, and Finally Big Dig. I played Vanilla as well.
Why I Want To Play: I played on many servers. Some of them were great, some of them weren't. Every single time we started playing modpack with RoadsidePicniker and we joined a server, it was bad - worlds got reset, mods or admins were completely unprofessional, or items or vital dimensions such as Nether were banned. I want to find a stable BigDig server to play on, where I can safely build without being restricted from using blocks or items that are important for the development in the game. I am an active player and try to be helpful to others by replying to them in chat if I can.