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lewis colclough

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About lewis colclough

  • Birthday 07/14/1990

lewis colclough's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. IGN: Mr_Unwritten Age:16 Location: NY, USA Why do you want to join? i would like to join as me and my friend always start the technic mods and love them all, this is obviously the newest one and would love to have some fun Do you accept the server rules? yes, i accept them all and plan to follow.
  2. Hey i don't know what any one can do about it but the server is down at the moment so i was wondering if anything could be done about it
  3. In game name: Mr_Unwritten Age:16 Time spent playing modded Minecraft: over a year using different mods Reason i want to join: I have played many modes and there are only certain ones i actually enjoy, this is one of them, i have played on several servers and none of them have been good. I have been playing on this one and so far i like how everything is set up and would like to continue.
  4. In game name: Mr_Unwritten Age:16 Time spent playing modded Minecraft: over a year using different mods Reason i want to join: I have played many modes and there are only certain ones i actually enjoy, this is one of them, i have played on several servers and none of them have been good. I have been playing on this one and so far i like how everything is set up and would like to continue.
  5. In game name: Mr_Unwritten Age:16 Time spent playing modded Minecraft: over a year using different mods Reason i want to join: I have played many modes and there are only certain ones i actually enjoy, this is one of them, i have played on several servers and none of them have been good. I have been playing on this one and so far i like how everything is set up and would like to continue.
  6. whats going on with the server its been down for ages

  7. ram whats going on with server its been down for hours
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