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Everything posted by Linazerahn

  1. So, I've captured two chocobos for breeding: a male called Chaos with rainbowish feathers on the back of its head and a female normal yellow named Renoa. I gave them each a lovely gysahl green and they bred Bluecobo and a green chocobo. I then went back to my farm to get some more gysahl greens for further breeding (took less than a minut) and returned to this: There were tamed chocobos everywhere and my bluecobo where no longer blue but plain normal yellow and my green where gone only Renoa seemed to be normal. Before I did anything I restarded everything just to make sure, but it stayed the same. I killed them all and started over by finding and taming some new Chocobos. I bred two of them called one of the newborn babies for lilli, left them for a little while to farm more gysahls and retuned to a massive amount of fully grown Lillis. I have no idea of what to do about this. There are other strange things about the chocobos, like when I bred a pair for the first time I know they are surpossed to walk close towars eachother and then a baby appears, but one of them kept following the other and I couldn't order it to stay put or follow me using the Chocopedia. I'm playing alone on my own, not on an online server and my Big Dig is ver. 1.3.9.
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