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Everything posted by homer4me

  1. Well i need a admin because i realised mods can't edit or ban in most servers, forums. So... A mod can't really help in this situation. So i need a admin >.> .
  2. ok
  3. i dont think its blocked cause i see all these posts inside my inbox. So plz get a admin.
  4. are you mod or admin, etc? No. so buzz off.
  5. Well the bug is like i said email verification.
  6. yeah
  7. Says i don't have privilege. :P
  8. Read before Posting you nincompoop.

  9. The nincompoop should read whats wrong before posting >.>.
  10. I can't post in the bugs section and when I try to do email vertafacition it does not show in email. Why? P.S. I need a Mod, Admin or better to answer not a a nincompoop.
  11. IGN : homer4me Reason to join : i like checking out servers see how they work, i like making friends, i'm a ex pvper (unless i get really ticked.) Rules: I under stand the rules and I agree to them about myself : I cant tell my age, name, or where im born. but, I wish they'd make it easier to add mods to vinalla, i love tekkit i've played minecraft since lets say i think 1.3 like around 1.3.2 im hoping ill be avaible to join! :D
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