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drakkar lucifer

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Everything posted by drakkar lucifer

  1. It was amazing while it was up. Has quite a few dedicate players.
  2. Application: 1. IGN: hedgehogsniper 2. Reason for wanting to join, please be specific: I take online school so i have no friends to play with and absolutely hate playing in singleplayer since I tend to cheat in items so I look for small servers to play on and found this one and figured this server would be great. I live in Louisiana so I'm in central time zone and your times seem to match my times 3. Tell me a little about yourself:Like I said I take online school and have only 1 good friend but he is away for the year in germany for school. I live in Louisiana. I'm 15. Not much more to know about me. 4. Do you fully understand all the rules? Yes i full understand the rules. Be kind, no griefing, keep builds clean. It's pretty much the etiquette for a non pvp server.
  3. Ign: hedgehogsniper one rule of the server: no 1x1 towers and structures realistic why do you want to join the server: I'm really looking for a new BigDig server for me to play on and with the map reset I'm looking forward to playing. what do i expect from the server:I hope to be able to play with friends and enjoy a nice community
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