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Posts posted by SpaceToad

  1. Nah, technium is useless, you've got to install the Portable Gamma Rays component on your power gauntlet, which needs ten solenoids and five Radioactivated Thaumic Ions. You can easily obtain those by farming the chapter IV : A New Nope. However, you'll need to always carry depleted uranium core power bullet of class at least .50 (Preferably .75) If you want to have any chance against the final boss. Another good trick is to shoot off the eyes of the tentacles first, that way it won't be able to protect attacks to the main core with it's armored parts.

    Also, thanks SpoaceTad for providing us a place to give counsel to new arrivants! It is extremely refreshing.

    your welcome, this s excactly the reason i made this thread
  2. God where To begin! I need help deFeating the NetherdragOn (not the Enderdragon, people do mess those up!). Plus nO matter where I uSe the Spacial Book of REasoning, I still can't find MyonhiR's Taiga Forge. Also the Ygrava Birds keep stealing from my chests. Do I really need the gems of force to keep them away? Because that takes an awful lot of stuff. Two diamonds, I mean like, come on! Is there another way? God, I don't want to spend the diamonds to create the Gems of Force, or the redstone to create the Nikola Spring. Please, help!

    i know what you hid in your comment, and im not a poser, and this is MY fricking post, so if your gonna rag on me, then go somewhere else other than here, cause people accually need help, and i help ppl... so if you need help, come here... but if not plz go away

  3. These are some qestions for BigDig:

    How in the WORLD are there SOOOOOOOOOOOOO many Ores being Generated in Big Dig?

    What will happen if I make the most epic pickaxe ever, what material could it be, and what upgrades are the best?

    well, first, there are multiple mods installed that add in ores, and secound, it depends, because all the picks have different stats

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