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Shaommon Tayen

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Everything posted by Shaommon Tayen

  1. Oh so you can use a back-up of tekkitmainh, how clever and how stupid of me not to think about that ! Ty!
  2. IGN(in-game name): ShaommonTayen Age: 21 Tekkit Exp: Been on tekkit since 0.6.3 and also played FTB for little less then a year Have you ever been Banned for any reason?: Nope, never, I even have been moderator of a few servers and forums past year But I'm tired of playing in overcrowded servers full of raging 12 yo...
  3. Obviously, it's a personal taste I want to go into SPAAACE, and the addition of mods as dimensional door excite me (Ever read Gunslinger and the quest for the Dark Tower ?) ! But of course, If you miss IndustrialCraft and ThaumCraft too much, you can opt for the tekkit lite, jst remember to grab the right server files :P
  4. ================================================================= *** Space Tekkit HexCraft Member Application *** ================================================================= username: ShaommonTayen I will not grief in homeworld: Understood ! I will be polite & not swear in general chat = My natural way of doing things I will respect staff & listen to directions: Of course I will report and not abuse any bugs: Indeed ! I will know and follow the rules: Yes I have _____ Tekkit experience: 2 years of experience and helping out people on various fora
  5. Mining laser was also underused in MP since you could grief without detection, which was too tempting for some 'people' (aka underage raging kiddos)
  6. A little nasty question: Is there an easy way to switch between builds ? More info: I own a server on 1.0.6 with some friends but I'd like to check out the latest build So, I'm asking myself how do I do that without constantly having to go through the launcher options evertytime I need to change ?
  7. Minecraft username ShaommonTayen --- What playstyle do you prefer? (Building, PVP, Faction Warfare, Exploration, etc.) Building/exploring/Trading --- Tell us about yourself I'm 21 yo, speak four languages, student in electronic engineering, and I am very sociable (you can teel by the smiley...) I made the switch a while ago to FTB but since the new update I'm looking for a nice little server, not too overcrowded to make friends and explore the new mods and possibilities ! Also, being friendly and all, I'm mostly a plus to the community by constantly helping people out over chat with their little technic problem:)
  8. Of course, that's a briliant idea Just don't forget to port forward the 25565 port on your router for the internal ip address of your mac :)
  9. Have you read all the documentation ? I'm not a big user opf worldguard so I don't know what it could be but here are some related topic I stumbled accross : HERE and HERE (don't worry, not one of those adf.ly scams or whateveah )
  10. Well, also consider banning griefing items like the mining laser and vanilla TNT as well. Also Mystcraft is in some servers restricted hence the OP feel of it :P
  11. Where is the like button ? Howw cna i liike 1337 ROFL ?
  12. Indeed, Hamachi is in your case not a requisite since you port-forwarded your router AND it takes a bit of your ram and broadband to run, so get rid of that thing ! Also, open launch.bat with Notepad and change the settings to "java -Xmx1G -Xms512M [...]" but you will experience lag the moment you build quarries+pumps+... and "server can't keep up" notifications Maybe, your friend can host the server if he has more memory Last but not least, don't use Skype ! It takes a LOT of memory to check for updates, try to install IE and Bing toolbars and MSN and whatnot other-century bullshit There are alternatives such as Oovoo or C3 Thanks for the compiment on my humor btw Always glad to help !
  13. http://www.downloadmoreram.com/ !!! [/sarcasm] But really, lag can be caused by multiple things 1. Internet connection is really bad for you OR your friend (can be it only is for a little while, during a football match everyone watches) or you are downloading somehting (or your brother on the PSN downloading games) 2. Your PC has less then 6GB Ram ; 2 for tekkit, 2 for server, 2 for Windows 3. Your Tekkit server has not enough RAM dedicated ; open launch.bat with notepad to change that 4. Gods hate you Last one happens to me a lot.
  14. Maybe you can copy/paste them from your Tekkit/tekkitmain/coremods and .../mods folder into the server ? Or else, download again and try it for all that's worth
  15. Hello everyone ! (Just posting this under discussion, redirect me if it needs to be elsewhere !) I have been playing some time ago on a whitelisted tekkit server (which I will not name, hence the no publicity rule ) BUT it was full of 12yo COD Xbox live rascals ! I'm through with those guys... o_O Also, it has been awhile I played this Modpack and I get really excited at this update So what I'm looking for is someone like me willing to play two-four hours a day on a private or online server (gotta love towny !) but doesn't like playing on his/her own or surrounded by total basket cases... Well that's it, hope you reply ! PS: I'm quite the knowledgeable type, so don't be afraid I won't be a total n00bcase
  16. I'll assume you're using the new launcher and tekkit 1.0.6 AND server for version 1.0.6 (if one of those is not right or you're not using recommended builds, there's your error chief) So are you saying you download tekkit_server_v1.0.6 from the site, unzip it, and click launch.bat and THAT gives you an error ? OR when you try to log in after starting the server you get the error ? PS: sorry for double post, slow connection atm
  17. I'll assume you're using the new launcher and tekkit 1.0.6 AND server for version 1.0.6 (if one of those is not right or you're not using recommended builds, there's your error chief) So are you saying you download tekkit_server_v1.0.6 from the site, unzip it, and click launch.bat and THAT gives you an error ? OR when you try to log in after starting the server you get the error ?
  18. Yes, since EU has gone, biofuel is the next rage ! Everyone is doing it ! Join the fun ! (Tut if you're lost ^^: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDt-rDxOFlQ )
  19. Actually there is a (quite) long tutorial for this here : Hope you make it to the end !
  20. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ What he said, the wiki is a pretty neat place to start Tekkit has changed, A LOT, over time and is pretty freakin HUGE to learn at first ! I would say, find yourself a friend with whom to share the load and participate or go on servers (since they may have tutorials in spawn or people there to help you) :)
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