IGN: Yournormalwizard
Age: Rather not tell
Why are you looking to join the server: It's fun, and I have been looking for a small server where we all live in a town together, and help each other, etc. All the servers in here are either freaking filled with random people that grief, kill, steal, and other things that make them a horrible minecrafter. However, with a small server, you create bonds with the people in it and you can trust them. No need to worry about your diamonds being stolen.
Tell me about your play style?: Have been playing Minecraft since 2010 and Tekkit since 2011. I like making amazingly complex systems, that can all be powered and closed by one button. Makes you think how one thing can control and army.
Tell me a bit about yourself?: I have somewhat of a tragic back story, care to read? It was the summer of 2011, school was out, and my friends and I, being the nerds we are, just stared at our computer monitor all day, playing minecraft. We built cities, and the cities turned into kingdoms, and the kingdoms into empires, and the empires, into worlds. We bult millions of buildings and houses, not to mention the main city, that took atleast 2 biomes. It was getting boring. When you have everything, it's not much of a challenge. Then one of my friends introduced me to a wonderful creation, Tekkit. Ironically, a few months later, he started to hate tekkit. But that's not my story. We played for a while, and introduced me to the many machines, systems, pipes, and mods. I loved tekkit. It gave me the sense of challenge I always wanted in Vanilla Minecraft. In fact, Vanilla was so easy for us, we started coming up with challenges of our own, like the one where we can't mine gold, or the one that forbids us to go back to the overworld once we get to the nether. It was fun, but soon we were experts on that as well. Back to the story, after a few weeks of me creating basic machinery and uninsulated wires, he introduced me to the god of all servers. Arcanum. Arcanum was a holy grail upon all servers. Everyone was friendly, we all helped each other when they needed help, we would pull pranks on each other, such as changing someones flooring, we would laugh and have a good time. Even the victim would chuckle, because unlike other servers, he knew we would change the flooring back. It was great. But soon, the server started crashing and lagging, a lot. We would only play for about 30 minutes before it crashed again. We all hoped it wouldn't mean what we thought it meant, but a few days later, hell broke loose. The admin joined, out of the blue. He would normally greet us, ask us how we're doing, but not today, today he silently, went into his house, grabbed his nukes, and, boom. We all asked, what's going on? The admin said only said five words that rendered me speechless. "The server is shutting down." It has been years since that incident, and I'm still looking for a good server. This looks like my best shot. Thank you for reading. :)