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Everything posted by effe0p

  1. why dont you put the ip here?
  2. i cant connect to the server (it ses my ip has been flagged as unsafe), what do i do about that?
  3. IGN: effe0p How is the server: Fun so far xD (i like that there is very few banned items)
  4. Hello! My Minecraft ingame name is effe0p I am 15 years old and i would like to play of this server
  5. Why is the server down?
  6. yeah pls clean my inventory for me IGN: effe0p
  7. yeah pls clean my inventory for me IGN: effe0p
  8. can u pls add Greifprevention again too?
  9. Im having problems connecting to the server, needs to be resolved (I keep getting end of stream)
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