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Posts posted by trakos

  1. I've had a hard time choosing how much columns to display based on resolution width, and apparently it doesn't work ;).


    Would it work if I add an option to choose how much recipes to show in a row (seperate for landscape and for portrait mode)?

  2. Hey,

    I've recently made for fun a small app for android with all tekkit recipes and thought that maybe someone will find it useful, so I've devided to release it :).

    So, in case anyone's interested, here's the link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=pl.trakos.TekkitRecipeList

    The recipes are automatically generated from NEI data, so the list is complete, but there could be few bugs somewhere. So far I've only noticed few problems with forge microblocks, but those aren't important.

  3. I've made a simple mod (link) allowing exporting NEI items & recipes info, and I find the exported result for tekkit modpack pretty useful, so I thought I'll share here as well.

    Here's the list of items and recipes for tekkit as seen ingame in NEI:


    I know this stuff is also at wiki and NEI in-game, but I find wiki missing some recipes, and NEI unhandy when crafting complex items. Also, I've added raw costs for items - for example, Enhanced Galgadorian Block: http://tekkidoc.s4.trakos.pl/Home/item/893/2 .

    It's also possible to update mediawiki automatically, allowing contributors to concentrate on description/guide writing instead of repeatedly exporting icons/creating recipe templates for every released version.

    Maybe it could be useful for tekkit modpacks in general?

  4. TrksRecipeDoc is a very simple, yet quite capable, "mod" that reads NEI items and recipes, and writes it to .xml file, plus it also renders all item icons and recipe handlers backgrounds. It also tries to calculate raw cost for each item. Sounds cool, right?

    I've written a simple php page that uses this information and presents it nicely - I put up an online example: http://tekkidoc.s4.trakos.pl/ . This one is generated for tekkit.

    Alternatively, it is possible to autocomplete (or autoedit further on) mediawiki - here is one I put up, it's generated for mekanism mod: http://mekawiki.s4.trakos.pl/ .

    Some highlights:

    Source code:

    1. minecraft mod that exports: https://github.com/trakos/trks-recipe-doc (there's a 1.5.2 branch; master is for 1.6.4)
    2. example C# code that I've used to import to mediawiki: https://github.com/trakos/trks-recipe-doc-wikisync (though I'm not sure if it's up to date with current xml structure)
    3. php page source: https://github.com/trakos/trks-recipe-doc-www (which uses zend and some util classes from https://github.com/trakos/trks-zend-utils ) - you only need to put generated recipes.php in data/, and upload images to public/images/

    Overall, it sounds too good, right?

    Yeah, there's a catch. Right now to calculate raw costs and make id - damage pair unique (some mods store data in NBT tags, and item with the same id and damage can be something entirely different) I have to write a bit of mod-specific stuff. See example: https://github.com/trakos/trks-recipe-doc/blob/MC1.5.2/common/trks/recipedoc/modsupport/mods/CCTurtleSupport.java . For raw costs, too many alternative ways to craft an item will cause omitting the item cost entirely, so sometimes the mod-specific code has to disable some recipes (for instance leaving only one way to craft an ingot). Also, marking items as base has to be done in mod support (i.e. allowing to use them in raw cost).

    Still, it's a lot less work than doing these kind of stuff manually.

    The code right now is still quite messy:

    1. It's my first MC mod, so "I have no idea what I'm doing"
    2. I should rewrite raw cost calculation, to make it a bit more universal
    3. It requires NEI and Mekanism to compile (only NEI to run) - though you can easily remove Mekanism dependency by removing MekanismSupport class.
    4. There's a hardcoded output path (C:/test/) - change that if you'll use it, especially on non-windows
    5. After the game starts with the mod loaded, it will automatically load the world named TrksRecipeDoc (creating it if not exists), export everything, and then shutdown the game - it made testing easier; it's designed for single run, remove the mod to actually play the game later ;)
    6. if you'll want to skip item rendering, you'd have to comment it out
    7. The coordinates for items on the recipe backgrounds aren't in px, you'll have to scale it properly (see, for example, recipe.phtml in php page)
    8. Scaling the images is done by trial and errors, so it may not be working flawlessly with different mc versions and stuff; I had to change a bit in 1.5.2 branch
    9. I've saw Kobata version of item rendering - he's making it properly by usage of FBO and stuff. I am using a bit simpler approach - I'm clearing the screen with bright green, rendering the icon, and then calling the MC screenshot function (which, I think, uses FBO internally). Later, I just resize it and change the bright green to transparency.

    As you can see, there are some quirks here and then, but hey - it's open source, so you can fix it :).

    Hope that's useful for somebody's mod or modpack documenting!


  5. Hey guys,

    I'm trying to make my miner work unmaintained, and having some problems automating the pump without wasting tin.

    1. It seems that one can't use an Ender Chest next to the pump as a storage? It seems to ignore buckets stored there, and never fills them. I haven't tried the vanilla ender chests, but I guess it won't work as well?

    2. My current setup involves having one ender chest as an input, where empty buckets come, then transposer, normal chest adjacent to pump, and then filter taking out filled lava/water/oil buckets to another ender chest. My problem is that current setup involves a lot of setting up every time I move my miner to another spot(because I have to add timer, red alloy wires, rotate filter and transposer, set up filter etc). Are there better ways to get rid of liquids?

    PS on the other side of ender chests I simply use deployer to put the liquid out of the bucket, another deployer to put the cobblestone destroying liquid, and block breaker that takes the cobblestone back to deployer.

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