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Nick Harr

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About Nick Harr

  • Birthday 07/14/1990

Nick Harr's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Thank you
  2. Name of Pack: Nick's Pack Base Pack: Perrypack Mods you want added: I just wanted to have the click-and-drag of vanilla, so whichever version is easiest for you. File of your atempt: I didn't even try, because the last time i tried changing versions of a modpack, I had to wipe the technic and vanilla files from my computer. Didn't want to even try. If this is not possible, I still thank you for your efforts.
  3. Bump. If you or anyone else finds out a way, could you tell me? That's if i don't figure it out...
  4. I'm wondering if you, the developers, could get the click-and-drag into the modpacks or tell me how to do it myself, step-by-step?
  5. I've been wondering, and I know tekkit lite isn't the right version, but is there a way to get it? Like a mod or something?
  6. Name/Nickname: Nick, Nickoli IGN: nicker3404 Age: 14 Time Zone: ND, United states Will you use Ventrilo? (to talk / interact with the community) Probably not until I get my Sound card fixed :'( Will you be a dedicated player on our server? Of course! I play like every day! Why should we add you/a little bit about yourself: because I'm a nice player/ 'dedicated' . Playing tekkit everyday <3 tekkit. the last server I was on, I got griefed and raided so now I'm looking for a new server. Thanks for taking the time to look over my Application. Have a great day!
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