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Everything posted by Appollo

  1. lol wat
  2. yeah....I CAN'T BELIEVE MICROPROSE WENT BANKRUPT (Creator of mechwarrior and other great games.) Damn you EA and Ubisoft and Bethesta. Creating really bad games
  3. So case closed? Aww this thread was getting to a good part
  4. Except 8 year olds....
  5. I think the original mechwarrior games are nicer. 1,2,3,4 and the expensions were great But what do you think of mechwarrior online?
  6. Well after reading all this my head blew up. And So...who wants cake? At the very least I mean a suit thats small and wearable and not the size of a pacific rim mech lol. I go for battle tech battle suits
  7. I'd go for Dungeons and Dragons,Ice wind Dale.etc
  8. Yo mama so dumb! That she thought pepper spray could be used to cook!
  9. I used to play Vampire the masquerade bloodlines though :F
  10. Of course it is! *Insert lousy smug face here*
  11. Everything above doesn't seem to work. Mine is also stuck at 1% on Greg's Lighting.
  12. Yeah it seems better.It's pretty professional.
  13. From the way I look at it...mechs are possible but highly fragile. Any ideas for fun?
  14. also that's the way I fix up computers at friends houses.
  15. Dunno lol. But from my programming adventures and experiences helping my friends fixing computers,I call computers a cpu
  16. Some people want to watch the world burn. But I just want to see wood burn.

  17. Go into safe mode onto you cpu. while your computer is starting press f8 and use arrow keys to select START SAFE MODE WITH NETWORKING After that go into your control panel and find Uninstall/edit programs. Find system care antivirus and uninstall it. As soon as you are done go online and download a good antivirus and firwall. (I prefer Avast and malware bytes anti malware. Comodo is a good firewall too) Install them and restart your cpu. As soon as you restart on Avast and Malware bytes and start scanning your computer. Always have your online security on when surfing! good luck! :)
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