Experience with Hexxit:I know basically everything there is to know on hexxit,I Started playing 10 mintutes after it was released,and straight away looked up as much info on all the mods that i could find.
Experience with plugins:I Know most of the commands for most plugins, and know the workarounds and know what most commands do i have lot's pf exprience with World edit.
Age(optional):15 nearly 16
Past experience being staff:I Have been staff on many of server One is a Tekkit server www.Quantekk.net , others where voidswrath server which went down i have been co-owner on many previous servers and know how to treat fellow staff members and players.
Why should I pick you?(long answer):Well i have been playing minecraft since around the dev version so i know everything about vannila ,in my spare time i research mainly about mod's and how they work so i have a Amazing understanding of How mods work and cant be a great asset in stopping people from fighting ,I'am calm and peaceful player unless i'am pvping.I'am kind and respectuful,I'can be extremly helpful with making ranks making a website , Advertising.Showing new players around and keep order on the server and most importantly when your busy anwser all the players questions.