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About Jhary

  • Birthday 11/14/1981

Jhary's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Yeah no problem I am looking for a modding project at the moment. Now I am thinking about a UgoCraft like thingy with forge compatability. But this guy obfuscated his code with names of the deep ones for the classes and tons of weird names for the variables and methods. *sigh* I presume your open source project "Redstone in motion" could help me out to see where to start best for accomplishing my goal for rotations?
  2. Do you have a github setting for this project? I could help out a bit with pull requests from time to time
  3. After some testing I found out, that the recipes to craft an Attuned Crystal Shard (combining 1 Trophaeum Mors with 1 Luminescent Crystal) and the Essentium Vitae (combining 1 Vital Crystal Shard and 1 Crystalline Housing) do not work. I combine the items as descripted and no result is shown. Even NEI recipes do not show up for these items, all other do work just fine.
  4. Hey that is a very cool interpretation of the soul shards mod. I think your approach is better, I am very looking forward to the future of this
  5. I made a forum account just to thank you for this great mod Really good work, I hope you keep it up in the 1.6x versions And a suggestion for this hardcore mode thingy in terms of "harder recipes", you could just add a config option where you can define recipes by yourself. As far as I can say with my own modding skills, it should be fairly easy to implement and every server owner could fit the recipes to their needs.
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