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About Hexxit

  • Birthday 07/08/1979

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  • Gender
  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    Hexxit, PvP
  • Minecraft In-Game Name

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Grass (2/9)



  1. Hexxit


    Yep If all goes well we should be seeing them opening soon
  2. Like how is destroyed? Like missing completely like nothing was there or looks like something blew up
  3. Hexxit


    So who all are excited for the new PvP arenas that are being added
  4. Hexxit


    I am the master of falling stars
  5. Also follow the same steps and add Optifine
  6. Hexxit


    Sorry Hexxit only has cookies
  7. Hexxit


    In 2 more days Adv. World will reset so more battle towers go go go!!!!!
  8. Hexxit eats up a good amount of RAM. I would suggest getting optifine installed then try using the texture pack All you do is google optifine and on the 3rd hit should be optifine download click that and download the optifine what ever 1.5.2 then open it and drag and drop everything in the your hexxit modpack.jar or what ever its called that is located int he same folder as the minecraft.jar
  9. Hexxit


    Updated to Hexxit version 1.0.5!
  10. Just updated our server to the newest version of Hexxit! Feel free to visit us @ http://www.hexxit.org

    Read more  
  11. Hexxit


    If anyone has any issues with the server, please feel free to post on this thread.
  12. Hexxit


    Connect at play.hexxit.org Website: http://hexxit.org Teamspeak: ts.hexxit.org [THIS IS A HEXXIT SERVER] Be sure to choose the Hexxit Mod In Your Technic Launcher NO WHITELIST - FEW BANNED ITEMS Our regular events include : Parkour - Building - Economy Challenges - Arenas Trivia and challenges .... AND SO MUCH MORE! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- What Makes Us Different? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- We Create Content Without Killing The Sandbox Environment Players can challenge leaders for their spot. Leaders work hand in glove with the administration. We are well staffed and very friendly. Our plugins are in constant development, as we code. Our server isn't "hosted", we own a box in a datacenter. Our economy is player run, and actually "works". We don't get boring, there is always something to do. You can solo or group play. Both have rewards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is Hexxit? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hexxit is quite a fairly new mod pack. Although, it is quite fun. We have finally pushed in to Hexxit. Our plugins will be both familiar and unique and include -Factions -WorldGuard -Player Owned Shops - Creative donation packages -Some Anti-Cheat Protections -Several Others That Make For An Amazingly Fun Server! - Direct access to staff and Operators! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clean And Lag-Free ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our server is VERY well kept, and lag free. We are on pretty epic hardware, and are fit to expand easily and quickly should more resources be required! Our staff team is quite large and able to keep up with keeping the land great looking and fun to play on!
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