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  1. jakj, you rock! CC issue seems to have been resolved, so IMO this mod is now ready to be used on stable servers.
  2. Another crash: destroying a block that just finished (or started?) transition. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17629640/RiM_bugreport/ForgeModLoader-client-1.log https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17629640/RiM_bugreport/crash-2013-07-11_02.07.24-client.txt https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17629640/RiM_bugreport/2013-07-11_02.13.19.png I've tried to destroy redstone block right after it finished moving upwards with that whole platform. RedNet controller was giving out pulses every tick, so movement was almost continuous... And every time I managed to destroy that block this crash appeared. Back to crash with AE: looks like it occurs if Transition Plane tries to break phantom ME Controller. How to reproduce: Build this: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17629640/RiM_bugreport/2013-07-11_03.09.14.png (any power source will do, just power ME Controller) Move it down once and then move it twice in the opposite direction... Should crash now. Phantom controllers left where real ME Controller was moved from (like a trail). They are invisible and can't be moved by carriage so they stay there forever. Question is: why these phantom blocks don't appear when I'm using Carriage Engine? upd: Jakj, we will break your mod into pieces and make you fix every single error! ]:-> Never would've thought I'd find such complex errors Thx for your hard work!
  3. There's another bug: moving ME Controller with using CC causes ME Controller to create phantom ME Controllers and conflict with them. Try moving ME Controller down until it says "Controller Conflict". (like this peripheral.call("left","move",0,false,false)) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17629640/RiM_bugreport/2013-07-10_23.29.37.png After I tried to move it up (after removing sand below), I got this crash: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17629640/RiM_bugreport/crash-2013-07-10_23.31.08-server.txt https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17629640/RiM_bugreport/ForgeModLoader-client-0.log This ONLY occurs if you're using Carriage Controller
  4. Actually, I've found out about this mod on a Russian (!) MC forum and found this through official MCF. I think people are not interested in your mod because of two things: there are lots of frame mods, all of them are unfinished. IMO your mod is better than those out there. About bugs: how about using bitbucket for version control and bugreports? IMO that'd be way more convenient than it is now.
  5. Great job! I already love this mod! I've tried to test out a world-eater, but only managed to crash my client Logs and screenshots: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17629640/RiM_bugreport/ForgeModLoader-client-0.log https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17629640/RiM_bugreport/crash-2013-07-04_22.29.52-server.txt https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17629640/RiM_bugreport/2013-07-04_22.28.07.png https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17629640/RiM_bugreport/2013-07-04_22.28.17.png Setup is: 2x2 Transition Panes (AE), then ME Storage Bus facing Ender Chest and ME Controller hooked up to MFSU, 2x2 Platform Carriages and a Carriage Motor with a button. PS: if you're not using any IDE look at Sublime Text.
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