In Game Name: MacMillerLife1
How good is your English?: perfect
Any previous experience as staff (server names, if they are still up): i wasnt staff in any big servers but i have been staff of my uncles small server
Why you want to be Staff: i like to help people, i know how it feels when there's no one there to help
Why we should choose you (In 50 words):i'm a very hard worker, i like to help, i'm very good at management, i have very little tolerance for griefers. i am the type of guy that if you give me a problem and i dont know, ill simply say i dont know, but i guarantee you that i will find that answer.
Time you can spend on server and how long you have been playing:ive been playing for around a year now and all summer i can probably be on almost all day everyday unless i have something planned
Have you been banned before? If so, why?:nope, never
Can anyone vouch for you to be a good staff member? If so, please list their usernames.:
Are there any other ways to contact you (Don't post Skype/MSN/other relevant information here, we have a private forum for this kind of information, if you are accepted.): i have an email, a facebook, and skype
Thank you i really appreciate the opportunity,
Brian a.k.a. MacMillerLife1