- Minecraft Name: jacobcable
- Tekkit Classic Experience: played for quite a long time, but have had a break (study took over for a while)
- Age:19
- How long have you been looking for a server like this?: A very long time.
- Why do you want to play this server, and not some large-scale one?: In my opinion the best way to experience tekkit is by playing with a small group of players. I love multiplayer and prefer it to single player, but too many players means griefing and its less personal
- Have you ever been given the position of mod/admin on a server before?: i have been an admin on a small bukkit MC server, and have had responsibilities (not as high as mod) on a couple of large servers
- If you were to witness a flame war (provided there are no admins online), how would you react?: i would try and diffuse the situation and tell them to wait for an admin to resolve the conflict
- Now, if you were IN that flame war, and an admin had to come to settle the argument, how would you react? Would you defend yourself? Apologize?: I would put forward facts, not opinion, and ultimately accept the decision made by the admin.