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About NuclearMooseMCP

  • Birthday 09/16/1998

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Dirt (1/9)



  1. So basically, I can't play this pack on my computer? I don't know why this is happening, because I've played other modpack a with 120 + mods and run it fine.
  2. My OS is indeed 32-bit. What I don't understand is why I cannot allocate more than 1 gig of ram, because Brigadon said 32-bit systems can allocate 2.
  3. Are you sure 32-bit java can run past 1 gig? I hovered over the selection for that and it said "Your computer has more than 1.5 gigs of ram available, but you must use 64-bit java to use it. what would happen if I put 64-bit java onto my PC?
  4. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. In my drop down menu from the technic launcher it only gives me the option of running 512 mega 700 something and 1 gig. My computer has 3 gigs total. I do not think this is the problem, because I have run other packs, with more mods and have been fine.
  6. Alright so here is an update. My computer is running a 32-bit system of Java, so 1 gig is the most I can go, and that is what I'm using. I also tried turning off the biomes o' plenty terrain generation and I got the same problem when loading a world. Here's the interesting bit (and the most important). I put in the address of one of the servers in the server section of the forums, and hey I logged in! But as soon as I logged in, my game crashed extremely fast and brought me back to the technic launcher. I looked into the forgemodloader-0 thing and this is what it said in the last 5 lines: Attempt to send packet to all in dimension without a server instance available
  7. Alright everybody, I'm here with a question about the new Attack of the B-Team modpack, as most of us are. Here is what has been plaguing my experience ever since the download became public. I can download and install the pack perfectly fine, the same with any other pack. I even added optifine to my pack. (This is not the problem, tested with and without optifine). Though as soon as I started a world, my game lags out immensly during world generation (Creative mode) and the world only barely begins to load. It then stops loading after a while and I have to manual shut down the client. I'm thinking this is because my computer is outdated and can't handle generating the world, and that if I played on a server where I didn't have the map on my PC it would be solved. If anyone has a public server I could try joining, that'd be great, because my friend and I will be getting our own soon, and I don't want to have to wait until everything is set up for us to begin streaming to figure out I can't run the pack. Thanks for reading and thanks for all answers in advance!
  8. Im playing this mod in the Magicians Cookbook Pack, and all of the textures for this mod are missing. Is there anything I need to download and add to the mod to fix this? Please help, I want to use this mod really badly.
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