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Everything posted by jerlegol

  1. Dwwojicik, could you just please go away? I want to see how OTHER people respond.
  2. I wikl pay up to 25 you could use google no-ip.
  3. Thetitle explains it all. I need at least 4 gigs of ram, and memory. You must be able to portforward and install bukkit plugs. And I would like it to be cheap. Thank you.
  4. I will take you up on that.
  5. Hi my name is Jerlegol, and I am founder, and leader of a new youtuber group, the MCForce, that is in need of a whitelisted, tekkit classic server. If anyone can host, please let me know!
  6. I have to agree and I would love to help you with your tekkit. Me and my friends have.been planning on launching a small scale youtube channnel. My ign is jerlegol amd my friends are wassupnow1420, spur7353. I would like if you emailed me at [email protected].
  7. Skype: soon hamachi: no. Able to record: yes editing: no
  8. I can help along w/ my friends.
  9. I am building a town on this server: CreeperNet.com:25565. I looking for some people to help me build and mine and pretty much make a tekkit city. I will need about 20 people to play and create. You must be A. Willing to work with others. B. A non- PVPist C. Willing to wait to have yours built. D. Willing to make corrections. Coordinates: +196, +1055 on Reis MiniMap. Jerlegol
  10. I have to agree.
  11. Okay. I'm whitelisted. Could you please whitelist my best friend, wazzupnow1420 ? He has never been banned.
  12. Could I be whitelisted, to, please? IGN: jerlegol
  13. I would like to apply. I signed up on onicraft. Am I whitelisted?
  14. IGN: jerlegol Age: not saying. reason for joining: I want to join because I want a no PVP server that I can use with my friends. Have you read the rules? Yes. Experience with tekkit: If I have the right materials, I can build a functioning ore processing facility in under an hour.
  15. Minecraft name: jerlegol Tekkit Classic experience: I can set up a basic ore-processing machine in 30 minutes. Age: 11 How long have you been looking for a server like this? Ever since this one guy on a pvp server, right as I spawned, killed me. Then I knew that I needed a whitelisted, non-pvp server. Why do you want to play on this server? I just want a server that I can build and interact with others on. If you were to witness a flame war(provided there are no admins around) how would you react? Um, I seriously don't know. I would probably just say, guys, stop it. And then not watch the chat bar. Now if you were in that flame war and an admin had come to settle the arguement how would you react? I would apoligize, and then give the admin something to make up for the arguement.
  16. They just havem't seen this thread.
  17. On the technic website, there ought to be the tekkit CLASSIC server. Use the no-ip.org for the ip
  18. Oh, and use hamachi logmein to portforward. Whitelisted, please.
  19. Thanks. Make sure to get the tekkit classic server. No pvp, please.
  20. Form.... Hint Hint.
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