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Everything posted by Mr_Bug_Fixer

  1. Ok I see everyone needs help with factions 0-0 Well all i need is a factions.jar for tekkit.... Sorry if this is not meant to be here :/
  2. Ok I would like to see your permissions so i could help from there
  3. groups: Default: default: true permissions: - essentials.afk - essentials.afk.auto - essentials.back - essentials.back.ondeath - essentials.balance - essentials.balance.others - essentials.balancetop - essentials.help - essentials.helpop - essentials.home - essentials.kit - essentials.kits.[Tools] - essentials.kits.Tools - essentials.list - essentials.mail - essentials.mail.send - essentials.motd - essentials.rules - essentials.sethome - essentials.spawn - essentials.suicide - essentials.tpa - essentials.tpaccept - essentials.tpahere - essentials.tpdeny - essentials.warp - essentials.warp.list - essentials.worth - factions.ally - factions.autoclaim - factions.cape - factions.claim - factions.create - factions.desc - factions.disband - factions.fficer - factions.help - factions.home - factions.invite - factions.join - factions.kick - factions.kit.fullplayer - factions.leader - factions.leave - factions.money - factions.officer - factions.open - factions.sethome - factions.tag inheritance: - vip info: prefix: '&8<&9Player&8>&6' build: true suffix: '' VIP: default: false permissions: - essentials.afk - essentials.back - essentials.back.ondeath - essentials.balance - essentials.balance.others - essentials.balancetop - essentials.help - essentials.helpop - essentials.home - essentials.kit - essentials.kit.tools - essentials.list - essentials.nick - essentials.sethome - essentials.sethome.multiple - essentials.spawn - essentials.suicide - essentials.tpa - essentials.tpaccept - essentials.tpahere - essentials.tpdeny - essentials.warp - essentials.warp.list - essentials.worth - mobdisguise.* inheritance: - default info: prefix: '&1<&6VIP&1>&7' build: true suffix: '' Owner: default: false permissions: - '*' inheritance: - admin info: prefix: '&7&kTE&5<&2Owner!&5>&7&kTE& &4' build: true suffix: '' Co-Owner: default: false permissions: [] inheritance: [] info: ? '' : prefix <Co-Owner> '&7&kTE&5<&2Co-Owner!&5>&7&kTE&': '&4' prefix: '&7&kTE&5<&2Co-Owner!&5>&7&kTE& &4' build: true suffix: '' Builder: default: false permissions: - essentials.afk - essentials.back - essentials.back.ondeath - essentials.balance - essentials.balance.others - essentials.balancetop - essentials.chat.color - essentials.chat.question - essentials.chat.shout - essentials.compass - essentials.depth - essentials.home - essentials.ignore - essentials.kit - essentials.kit.tools - essentials.mail - essentials.mail.send - essentials.me - essentials.msg - essentials.nick - essentials.pay - essentials.ping - essentials.portal - essentials.powertool - essentials.protect - essentials.sethome - essentials.signs.break.disposal - essentials.signs.break.mail - essentials.signs.break.protection - essentials.signs.break.trade - essentials.signs.create.disposal - essentials.signs.create.mail - essentials.signs.create.protection - essentials.signs.create.trade - essentials.signs.use.* - essentials.suicide - essentials.time - essentials.tpa - essentials.tpaccept - essentials.tpahere - essentials.tpdeny - essentials.warp - essentials.warp.list - essentials.worth inheritance: - default info: prefix: '&2' build: true suffix: '' Moderator: default: false permissions: - essentials.ban - essentials.ban.notify - essentials.banip - essentials.broadcast - essentials.clearinventory - essentials.delwarp - essentials.eco.loan - essentials.ext - essentials.fly - essentials.getpos - essentials.helpop.recieve - essentials.home.others - essentials.invsee - essentials.jails - essentials.jump - essentials.kick - essentials.kick.notify - essentials.kill - essentials.mute - essentials.nick - essentials.nick.others - essentials.protect.admin - essentials.protect.alerts - essentials.protect.ownerinfo - essentials.ptime - essentials.ptime.others - essentials.realname - essentials.setwarp - essentials.signs.break.* - essentials.signs.create.* - essentials.spawner - essentials.thunder - essentials.time - essentials.time.set - essentials.togglejail - essentials.top - essentials.tp - essentials.tphere - essentials.tpo - essentials.tppos - essentials.tptoggle - essentials.unban - essentials.unbanip - essentials.weather - essentials.whois - essentials.world - groupmanager.listgroups - groupmanager.mandemote - groupmanager.manpromote - groupmanager.manselect - groupmanager.manuadd - groupmanager.manudel - groupmanager.manwhois inheritance: - builder info: prefix: '&4<&7Moderator&4>' build: true suffix: '' Admin: default: false permissions: - -essentials.backup - -essentials.essentials - -essentials.setspawn - -essentials.reloadall - -essentials.plugin - essentials.* - groupmanager.mantogglevalidate - groupmanager.mansave - groupmanager.mangcheckp - groupmanager.manglistp - groupmanager.manucheckp - groupmanager.manulistp inheritance: - moderator info: prefix: '&c' build: true suffix: '' There all the spaces fixed now to help that other person :)
  4. I dont know if this is closed but its a spacing error ill try to fix it for ya
  5. Ok I see you guys have problems i am good with perms and sometimes people have spacing errors and Marley i can see the spacing errors allready ~Mr_Bug_Fixer but Just msg me if u havent solved this
  6. Ok I don't get it. If your trying to insult me.
  7. Guys! This case shouldnt be here! CLOSED
  8. Well jeregol You should just run it off your computer and portforward it (look up on youtube on how todo) Thats what manly everyone does and if you want and Ip search up on google no-ip.org
  9. ...that's what Server Advertisements are for! Go find your own server. Here are the links for you too! Deluxe: http://forums.technicpack.net/forums/server-deluxe.26/ White-List: http://forums.technicpack.net/forums/white-list-servers.27/ Open: http://forums.technicpack.net/forums/open-servers.28/ Addenum: If someone breaks the above rule, don't post your server in it. You will also be liable for a warning.
  10. Please tell me if this DID NOT WORK!
  11. Hi I had the same problem but there is another forum here http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/towny-1-2-5-tekkit.39288/ Please check other forums ~ Mr_Signature_Gnome_Was_Here ~
  12. I KNOW HOW TO FIX IT: On the side with the MODPACK PICTURE CLICK THE LITTLE GEAR AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PICTURE OF THE MODPACK. Then click reset modpack and you can jump onto tekkit,hexxit,volts & etc Sorry if this isnt meant to be in this i am VERY new! ~ Mr_Bug_Fixer
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