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Everything posted by UnicornWarrior

  1. Nevermind found it, mine is still crashing! I bet I missed something but I can't figure out what it was!! Crashlog: http://pastebin.com/7wLxNgJr Now idk why its crashing.
  2. I have 79 configs in there now, still crashes at the same point. And I updated numia and mps.
  3. Fixed updates, numina, and installed more configs (now theres 79) and now its crashing still! new crash log: http://pastebin.com/5UBui64v#
  4. where do you get numina?
  5. Modular power suits requires a mod called numina, where is a working copy of this mod?
  6. Fixed updates, numina, and installed more configs (now theres 79) and now its crashing still!
  7. Ok at least I have something right so far lol
  8. Ok I'm going to go through the whole thing very throughly, another thing I would like to bring up, does forge need an update as well? Because I tried to start retry12.zip and I do not believe forge initialized but I can't be sure.
  9. I updated everything else, its still uploading to dropbox. My config folder when I try to start it stays the same
  10. I forgot to mention I removed that mekanism thing and I couldn't find the mac folders and files
  11. I believe I updated everything to the latest compatable version, I removed openblocks because I didn't even really need it/want it, all the configs I could find are there, I am still unsure why the pack will not work now.
  12. lol, but does the pack actually work and all I need to do is update my java?
  13. I just updated though, how do i remove java 6?
  14. http://pastebin.com/49FgaqpW# at least with this u can view it on paste bin.com
  15. how do I add the paste bin? I have a paste bin account and I already made a paste of the crash log <script src="http://pastebin.com/embed_js.php?i=49FgaqpW"></script>
  16. lol ok, can u stay here to help me fix it?
  17. is that all i gotta do to fix it?
  18. Any guests that are reading this and know the solution either email me at [email protected] or make an account and comment
  19. I can't find the macOS and .DS_Store files on the regular .zip archive, and I couldn't find the configs that I need. I think I updated everything.
  20. still doesn't work thats the new crashlog
  21. ok thanks! Im updating the mods right now!
  22. np, does it work now? sorry I had to go before.
  23. And, what are the macOS specific files and folders?
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