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Everything posted by UnicornWarrior

  1. yea game or application, http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/BT/BTHomeHub/Minecraft_Server.htm this site helps so much
  2. yep now there should be a thing that either says application sharing on the left drop down menus or somewhere on there called port forwarding or something to do with ports
  3. if anyone can tell me what the issue is I would be happy to fix it
  4. ok is there a tab that says advanced anywhere?
  5. My mod pack keeps crashing when I try to launch it. Link, http://www.technicpa...t-reborn.337075 Can someone please try and figure out whats wrong and tell me how to fix it?
  6. it should be that by default, just put that in your browser. It will ask for a username and password, both of which should be by default set to admin
  7. ok, do you know your routers actual ip address? or how to get to your routers settings page through a browser?
  8. nope, u could always try to port forward which I could walk u through, what type of router do u have?
  9. btw anyone reading this topic could you please check out my post about my custom mod pack? just click this link, '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
  10. hmmm interesting, both hamachis are on right? just wondering because I have made the mistake of closing hamachi and not reopening it and being all like da fuq bro
  11. you are using the same ip for the server that you are using on hamachi right?
  12. My mod pack keeps crashing when I try to launch it. Link, http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/aircraft-reborn.337075 Can someone please try and figure out whats wrong and tell me how to fix it?
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