IGN: Fabstream41
Real Name: Matt
Time Zone: Pacific
Something about yourself: I'm a very funny person who really enjoys teaming up with people to build an assortment of complex machines. I have been playing tekkit a long time now, and I understand all the aspects of all the mods. I can be very helpful, if you give me an acceptable attitude.
What language you speak: english, none other
What do you want to do on this server: Everyone to be friendly, willing to team up, and willing to wage war: Science V.S. Magic! And to not build huge "houses" that are cubes with windows. Putting time into building. No overbuilt spawn, just a 3x3 bedrock platform in the middle/next to most/all the biomes.
Do you have a Youtube Channel: Yes
If so, will you be willing to film?:Yes, and it's pretty swish. Me and my friends were actually going to start a tekkit classic series, and we were going to do it on my friend's server. but if this server does not lag, then we might move the series to this server so we can mix it up with a variety of players.