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Everything posted by xcry5

  1. Is there any alternative to easy modpack installing else than TechnicLauncher?
  2. Ok, i've tried question 2 out. How can I stop towers and structures from generating?
  3. Hey, i've got a server. Some questions: 1. How can i forbid using an electric staff? Tried to blacklist it on WorldGuard but it didn't work. # Deny lava buckets [7623:79] #ignore-perms=my.own.madeup.permission #ignore-groups=admins,mods on-use=deny,tell 2. I'm using Terrain Control on World A and using Normal generator for World B will Towers and others spawn on World A on newly generated chunks?
  4. Title: Server kicks me when rightclicking diamond shield Version: 1_0_4 OS: Linux Debian Java Version: 1.7 Description of Problem: Hey, i was using a diamond shield gilded or something and rightclicked a while. after releasing the rightclick key I was kicked with the servermessage "nope" Error Messages: 2013-07-28 11:49:54 [WARNING] xcry7 tried to set an invalid carried item 2013-07-28 11:49:54 [iNFO] Unloading Player: xcry7 Error Log: 2013-07-28 11:49:54 [WARNING] xcry7 tried to set an invalid carried item 2013-07-28 11:49:54 [iNFO] Unloading Player: xcry7
  5. xcry5

    Hunger Bug

    I don't have mcMMO on my server.
  6. xcry5

    Hunger Bug

    Title: Hunger Bug Version: 1_0_4 OS: Linux Debian Java Version: 1.7 Description of Problem: If I eat something f.E. an apple I get hunger filled. After a while hunger is reset to where it was before I ate the apple. -> Eating doesn't work and is buggy. Pls help. Error Messages: Error Log:
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