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Everything posted by dannydude

  1. thx golddevil btw just in case you forgot my ign is dannydude01234
  2. well everytime I try to launch the mudpack it would crash :(

    1. Skout


      Dannydude, likely a permgen issue - there's a post about it on our forum, but essentially click the gear in the upper-right hand corner of the launcher and click the permgen box there. That should handle any crashes at startup. Contact me if you still have interest/issues. Your account is still enabled.

  3. ok. well I guess ill just wait. when I was bored after submitting my application I scrolled the discussion and read all the server drama,it seems pretty crazy.
  4. IGN:dannydude01234 Real Name:daniel Time Zone:central time zone Something about yourself:i love the thought of making everything automated. What language you speak (I am truly sorry, but if you do not speak English, you could have google translate in another window?):English What do you want to do on this server (Everyone should have a shop): I plan to make automated machines and suck to help the community. Do you have a Youtube Channel:Yes If so, will you be willing to film?: Possibly, if I get my recorder in working condition.
  5. I play on big crowded tekkit and tekkit classic servers but they are no fun. I am just looking for a few people to play tekkit classic with just reply or reply on my page or even just start a convo with me. So I have one rule you must be at least 15 so that I can be playing with some people that are at least a little mature.
  6. are you still looking for some people to play mc or tekkit with?

    well if so you can add me on Skype- juschillinbro , which I check most frequently but if I remember to check you can email me here- [email protected] .

    thank you for your time and I hope we can play mc or tekkit together.

    1. Skout


      We're playing on our own server these days, MKR. You applied, but we haven't seen you join the server yet.

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