Age: 14
Location: New Jersey, US
Experience With Tekkit Lite: I have always played the original Tekkit, ever since it was first released, and have been playing Tekkit Lite ever since the recent update with all the new Mod Packs, so I do have some pretty decent experience with it.
Ban History: I don't unusually play multiplayer Tekkit (except with friends), but I have been banned one time on a Tekkit server byt these 10 year old kids who owned the server and got rid of everyone for no good reason.
Goals On The Server: My goals for this server is to help it grow and gain many player, I would one day love to help run it, and keep everything orderly.
Anything Extra: I have a lot of experience as head Admins as I helped out with many Vanilla Minecraft servers, and would love to help this server grow as a part of the server staff as I mentioned before.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope you except me into this lvoely looking server!