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Everything posted by xxWisniewskIxx

  1. IGN: xxWisniewskIxx Age: 16 Project you plan to build: A Huge IC2 energy generation facility Minecraft experience: I play minecraft for a year. I have a good knowledge about minecraft. However, i know how redstone works and so on, but i have some dificulty on applying it. Tekkit experience: I played just Tekkit Classic for one month. However, I played FTB for three months. A know mods like IC2, BC(A little), RP2 and EE2. Why you want to join the server: Becuase it's seem to be a pacific and fancy server. I like that and don't worry, i'm not an asshole. I'm a decent teenage. (rsrsrs)
  2. In-game name: xxWisniewskIxx Age: 16 Time Zone: GMT - 3 (Brazil) Have you ever been banned? Please post your result here: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/ba35472aead634545e3334eb5623de08a3a2f476 What is your Tekkit experience?: I started playing on Tekkit Classic, and I enjoyed it. I had a little bit of play in FTB, but the 1.2.5 Minecraft modpack in Tekkit is better than the FTB one! Why do you want to join Fekkit?: Because the server is on it's start, and I prefer like that. "Builded" server are harder to play because a lot of player with good itens take advantage on you! Observations: I'm havind a tough year on my school (i'm a good student, it's just that i have a lot of things to do), so i'll not be able to play all the days :)
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