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Everything posted by Blockstackers

  1. It's 1.0.5 already, has been since that update was released. It's also not better dungeons but better storage. but hey. Problem resolved by resetting the map; for as long as that will last. And yes, it pisses me off that so far every bloody Forge modded server pack has been a bug-ridden unstable heap of junk. Not exclusive to Hexxit or Tekkit, FTB also has the same problems. Oh, yeah, same mods too. Never mind...
  2. Who is the bigger nerd? Me for expecting at least a modicum of pride in what people release, or you for especially making an account just to add your worthless 2 cents? Hmm...
  3. I made a bug report; and an NPE is the fault of the mod regardless since it did not check a return value to see if i was null before attempting to do something with it... and if you're now going to tell me that that's not true, then you need to be quiet and remove yourself from this thread.
  4. Dash16, I don't care if it's 37 or 100 - the fact it has an NPE that is triggered often enough to get me 20 crash reports in under an hour is an indication that not enough testing was done by the mod developer in question (betterstorage, if you must know), and that not enough testing was done by the technic dev team before rolling a release. Sorry, but that's just amateurish at best.
  5. NPE's are not caused by out of memory errors, you'd get an out of memory exception way before you'd see the NPE...
  6. No, this is another "check your farking return values to make sure you're not puking out NPE's" problem again.
  7. Title: BetterStorage crashes server with Null Pointer Exception Version: 1.0.5 OS: Debian 7.1 Java Version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea7 2.1.7) (7u3-2.1.7-1) Description of Problem: BetterInventories crashes server with Null Pointer Exception Error Messages: Error Log: Description: Ticking tile entity java.lang.NullPointerException at net.mcft.copy.betterstorage.inventory.InventoryTileEntity.getAllContents(InventoryTileEntity.java:34) at net.mcft.copy.betterstorage.inventory.InventoryTileEntity.<init>(InventoryTileEntity.java:25) at net.mcft.copy.betterstorage.block.tileentity.TileEntityConnectable.getPlayerInventory(TileEntityConnectable.java:114) at net.mcft.copy.betterstorage.utils.WorldUtils.syncPlayersUsing(WorldUtils.java:123) at net.mcft.copy.betterstorage.block.tileentity.TileEntityContainer.func_70316_g(TileEntityContainer.java:121) at net.mcft.copy.betterstorage.block.tileentity.TileEntityConnectable.func_70316_g(TileEntityConnectable.java:122) at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72939_s(World.java:2202) at net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.func_72939_s(WorldServer.java:546) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(MinecraftServer.java:654) at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(DedicatedServer.java:275) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:573) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:470) at net.minecraft.server.ThreadMinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:573) -- Tile entity being ticked -- Details: Name: container.reinforcedChest // net.mcft.copy.betterstorage.block.tileentity.TileEntityReinforcedChest Block type: ID #1053 (tile.reinforcedChest // net.mcft.copy.betterstorage.block.BlockReinforcedChest) Block data value: 0 / 0x0 / 0b0000 Block location: World: (-422,65,-1392), Chunk: (at 10,4,0 in -27,-87; contains blocks -432,0,-1392 to -417,255,-1377), Region: (-1,-3; contains chunks -32,-96 to -1,-65, blocks -512,0,-1536 to -1,255,-1025) Actual block type: ID #1053 (tile.reinforcedChest // net.mcft.copy.betterstorage.block.BlockReinforcedChest) Actual block data value: 0 / 0x0 / 0b0000 Stacktrace: at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72939_s(World.java:2202) at net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.func_72939_s(WorldServer.java:546)
  8. The bug board only allows for version 1.0.4 to be selected, not the 1.0.5 that is currently released; on top of that, I see a lot of posts, but no solutions. Besides, how many of the (now) 20 crash reports you want, hmm? If a mod developer manages to release his module while it still throws NPE's that means said developer isn't nearly as good as he/she thinks he/she is; it's an amateurish mistake, and what's to say that a bug report filed will lead to a fix when chances are the next release of the mod will probably still be puking out NPE's? Really, doing code right isn't rocket science.
  9. Kind of disappointing that the conclusions are backed by crash report after crash report then, isn't it? Not to mention the bug report form refers to version 1.0.4 while the installed version is 1.0.5, and it seems that the entire first page of bug reports has no solutions given, so that seems a rather useless avenue to pursue then, doesn't it? Sorry, but any time a server crashes with a null pointer exception, it means some coder didn't do a good job.
  10. I'm not sure what's causing it, but my Hexxit server keeps crashing on a very regular basis. Regular enough as to where it's becoming such a huge pain in the ass to maintain that I'm considering just not running it anymore. Kind of disappointed that apparently mod authors still haven't gotten around to testing their code before releasing. Now, which version of Hexxit is the most stable?
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