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Everything posted by Sabrine

  1. Mr.Giggles the application approval process shouldn't take more than 24 hours. Everyone who has posted an application should hear something by tonight. Every new person has to be voted in.
  2. Thank you for your application. You will get a response soon!
  3. Not taking any new members at this time. Server IP: Will be posted once whitelist get applied. Server rules: *No griefing *No spamming *No asking for OP, Ranks, or Items *No builds near spawn *No using exploits *No harassing other players *Respect all players No items are banned yet Plugins: Server is brand new. I will update this once we get plugins installed We are a group of Minecraft players who have been playing together for about a year. We are wanting some new players to join us for the new modpack. We have a facebook group that we use to communicate about the server.The link to the facebook group is here. www.facebook.com/groups/521517444586029/ We also have a vent. IP DemPaklys.typefrag.com Port 6090 Server is 24/7 The community we have on our server is mostly a group of friends. We are wanting to find someone who is friendly and will fit in with our current players. We are adults and use bad words. If that doesn't sit well with you then we probably aren't the community for you. Whitelist application: *Who are you? *Where are you from? *How old are you? *Why do you want to play on our server? *What do you think you can offer our server? *Who was your favorite power ranger? Here is a picture of the server. We don't have a lot of builds yet because the server has only been up for about 24 hours.
  4. Do you have skype? Could you get vent? I know your mic doesn't work but there is a chat you can use.

  5. Come in vent and meet us.

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